Posh-Profil english site

Posh-Profil Kft. located in Óbuda, the 3rd destrict of Budapest is specialised on providing comprehensive upholstery services and creating unique furniture on customer requirements.

Upholstery Budapest- Upholsterer Budapest 3rd Destrict, Upholstrey Óbuda
We cater for all aspects of upholstery, from traditional to modern upholstery whether it needs to be completely, partially reupholstered or recovered. We offer complete furniture restoration service. We also design and make professional bespoke upholstered new furniture. Furthermore we make door upholstering, wall upholstering, built in wardrobe and kitchen cabinets made to measure.
Our Services

Complete Upholstery Service, Traditional Upholstery, Modern Upholstery, Leather Upholsteryklasszikus kárpitos bútorok

Complete Reupholstery Service, Recovering, Reupholstering, Restoration

Antique Reupholstery, Antique Restorationegyedi tervezésű kárpitos bútorok

Bespoke Upholstery, Furniture Made to Order, Furniture Made to Measure

Wall Upholstery, Headbords, Door Upholsterybeépített szekrények
Built in Wardrobe and Kitchen Cabinets Made to Measure

felújított modern kárpitos bútorok

felújított stílbútorok

hagyományos kárpitozású bútorok

felújított stylbútorok mértere gyártott kárpitos bútorok

egyedi tevezésű konyhabútorok
egyedi méretű kárpitos bútorok
We undertake work for private induviduals andfaszerkezetek felújítása, restaurálásafelújított klasszikus bútorok commercial customers, designers, hotels, bars and restaurants.

For a quote please send an e-mail with your specific need with a photo and we willantik kárpitos bútorok come back to you as soon as possible. Via e-mail we can give you an estimated price. 

For a concrete price offer we need to see the furniture and discuss all the details (fabrics, special needs, delivery etc. ).

In our Showroom you can choose comfortably  from several leading upholstery fabrics and leather and we can discuss details of the work.

We have a wide range of modern and traditional fabric, leather andkárpitos bevonóanyagok artificial leather. We use only top quality materials and stuffing to make sure customers get a quality piece.

Upholstery – Upholstering, Bespoke Upholstering Budapest
All work is normally carried out in our workshop. We arrange pick up and delivery so that the work is completed and returned to you in as little time as possible. 
We give 2 years guarantee on our upholstery work.
Our aim is to provide an unmatched, top quality and complete service to our clients by understanding their individual and unique needs when it comes to upholstery or reupholstery.


Ákos Horváth

E-mail: info@posh-profil.hu

Phone: 06-20-377-7063


Click the icons alongside to see pictures of our works!


Complete Upholstery Service, Traditional Upholstery, Modern Upholstery, Leather Upholstery, Complete Reupholstery Service, Recovering, Reupholstering, Restoration, Antique Reupholstery, Antique Restoration, Bespoke Upholstery, Furniture Made to Order, Furniture Made to Measure,Wall Upholstery, Headbords, Door Upholstery, Built in Wardrobe and Kitchen Cabinets Made to Measure

Neoklasszicista karszékbarokk szófaArt Deco bőrgarnitúra

Upholstery Budapest, Upholsterer Budapest, Upholstery Services Budapest